
Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 10am till Late
Sunday: 10am till 9PM

Closing times may vary

Contact us

Please email shrsl@bigpond.net.au or call (03) 50 322 359

Bingo is every Sunday afternoon cards available for purchase from 2pm, eyes down at 3pm sharp. Normally runs till 5pm. Big bucks and bonus jackpots. Bar snacks / snack foods available

Raffle’s are held every Wednesday afternoon, Friday night and Sunday afternoon:
Wednesday tickets on sale from 12pm drawn at 12.45pm
Friday night on sale from around 6.15pm draw starts from 7.30pm
Sunday afternoon tickets on sale from 12pm drawn at 1.30pm

Every Friday night membership draw done at 8.10pm. Starts at $1000 and goes up $100 for every week not won to a guaranteed maximum of $3000

Entertainment held the first Friday of every month for birthday draw night

Birthday draw held first Friday of the month, swipe members card through the kiosk between 5.30 and 8.30 and drawn at 9pm sharp, need to be there to win it and could win up to $1000

To Stay up-to-date with what’s on in our venue please visit our facebook page!